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What is Lorem Epsom?

Lorem Ipsum is simply a formality (meaning the object is the form and not the content) and is used in the printing and publishing industries. Lorim Epsom has been the standard for formal text since the 15th century when an anonymous press lined up a group of letters randomly taken from text, to form a booklet as a guide or a formal reference for these letters. Five centuries did not eliminate this text. Rather, it even became used in its original form for electronic printing and typesetting. It spread widely in the sixties of this century with the release of plastic chips (Letraset) containing sections of this text, and it returned to spread again recently with the emergence of electronic publishing programs such as "Aldus PageMaker", which also contained copies of the text Lorim Epsom.

What is its origin?

Contrary to popular belief, Lorim Epsom is not a random text, but rather has roots in classical Latin literature since 45 BC, which makes him more than 2000 years old. Professor Richard McClintock, a professor of Latin at the University of Hampden-Sydney in Virginia, searched for the origins of a mysterious Latin word in the text of Lorem Epsom, "consectetur", and while following this word in Latin literature he discovered the unquestionable source. It turns out that the words of Lorim Epsom's text come from Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from the book "Finals of Good and Evil" (de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum) by Cicero, who wrote it in 45 BC. This book is a lengthy scholarly article on ethics, and it was very popular in the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet .. comes from a line in section 1.20.32 of this book.
For those interested we have placed the standard Lorem Epsom text used since the 15th century below. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "About the Far reaches of Good and Evil" (de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum) were also made available to Cicero in their original form, accompanied by English versions which were translated by H. Rackham in 1914.

What use is it?

There is a proven fact from a long time ago that the readable content of a page will not distract the reader from focusing on the external appearance of the text or the form of paragraphs placed on the page that he reads. Therefore, the Lorem Ipsum method is used because it gives a natural distribution - to some extent - to the characters instead of using "here there is text content, here there is text content" so it makes it (the letters) appear as read text. Many desktop publishing programs and web page editing programs use Lorem Ipsum by default as a form of text, and if you enter "lorem ipsum" into any search engine, many new websites will appear in your search results. Over the years new and different versions of the text of Lorem Epsom appeared, sometimes by accident, and sometimes deliberately as the introduction of some comical phrases.

Where can I find him ?

There are many types of Lorem Ipsum texts available, but the majority have been modified somehow by introducing some anecdotes or random words into the text. If you want to use a Lorem Ipsum script, you must first verify that there are no embarrassing or inappropriate words or phrases hidden in this text. While all Lorem Epsom text generators on the Internet work to repeat sections of the Lorem Epsom text itself as many times as needed, our generator uses words from a dictionary containing more than 200 non-Latin words, plus a set of sample sentences, to form a Lorem text Epsom is of logical form close to the real text. Consequently, the resulting text is free of repetition, or any inappropriate words, phrases, or the like. This makes him the first real Lorem Ipsum text generator on the Internet.


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